Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Watching Videos – How To Make Money Online

Search in video

if you watch one video you will earn

$1.90 watching five videos you will earn

$9.50 and watching 10 videos you will

earn over $19 this app is available

worldwide and it's completely free so

like this video and let's start with the

first step which is to come over to

YouTube and go to the short section from

there so that you can watch the short

videos here to make money online

watching these videos now all of us know

about YouTube shorts and how you can

make money with it but today I will be

showing you all the new and secret way

to make money online by watching these

videos so stay tuned until the end and

the good thing is that you can make

money not just by watching YouTube

videos but also by watching Instagram

reals and Tik Tok videos also known as

Tik Tok so using this method you can use

all of these three platforms YouTube

Instagram and Tik Tok to earn money by

watching videos I will show you my

secret method to make money by watching

videos and you can apply the same to all

of these three platforms to maximize

your earnings but for this video I would

like to go with Tik Tok don't worry if

you are from India and you don't have

Tik Tok your country because you can

either use YouTube or Instagram for the

same method I will be showing you here

today or you can just go to Google and

search for a free VPN extension for

Chrome select this link and you can add

this extension to your Chrome browser

after that you just need to turn on your

VPN extension and search for Tik Tok and

you will see that you can use Tik Tok

even if Tik Tok is not available in your

country this method works on both your

PC device and your mobile device but for

our future videos comment down below

which device you use the most so that I

can create more relevant videos for you

guys so now the Second Step once you

create your account on Tik Tok and log

into it you will be on the dashboard of

your Tik Tok account now I want you to

go to the explore page from here and you

will be able to see many different

categories of the videos that you can

select from here and watch them to make

money watching videos and I want you to

select any one of the categories or

Niche topics from here because if you

select and watch one Niche or category

videos only your chances of making money

by watching them will be much higher

than if you go with all the niches out

there and the best three niches you can

choose from are first personal finance

and making money online Second

meditation or manifestation Niche and

third health and fitness and weight loss

Niche you can choose any one of the

three niches I mentioned here but for

the purpose of this video I am going

with the weight loss Niche now the third

step is to come over to

and create your account by clicking on

login and then just select the create an

account here once you log in I suggest

you complete your profile there and

after that just click on the affiliate

Marketplace from here ClickBank is an

affiliate marketing marketplace where

you can get different digital and

physical products to promote and earn

commissions for promoting them on Tik

Tok YouTube or Instagram and because

today we have chosen to go with the

weight loss Niche I want you to click

here and from health and fitness I want

you to select the diet and weight loss

from there and that's going to show you

many different physical weight loss

products that you can promote on your

Tik Tok account or on your YouTube

shorts and Instagram reels to get

commissions just like you are seeing on

your screen so for example if we want to

promote this product slim Crystal from

there for every sale that we get we will

earn over $116 in commission for it

which is just awesome and to start

promoting this product you just need to

click on this promote button and your

affiliate link will be copied which you

can then paste into the bio of your Tik

Tok account and the next thing you need

to do is to create Tik toks for this

product with a CTA to click the link in

the bio so that you can post those Tik

toks to your account on Tik Tok or

YouTube and Instagram reels where people

will see your videos about this product

and they will go to your bio and visit

the product site and even if only five

people buy the product daily using your

affiliate link you will be earning over

$500 daily so I will show you one free

way and one paid way to create videos

for the product starting

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